Honoree Roy Scott with Attendees at Art and Soul gala: L-R: Patrice Lee, John Lee, Larry Hackett, Lynn Mirabito, Lee Leonard, Kelly Bishop, Scott Stern, Roy Scott
Our Mission
The mission of the Tony Smith Sculpture Project (TSSP) is to make the life, work, and impact of artist Tony Smith easily accessible and beneficial to the public.
Through the support of public art projects, such as Smith’s sculpture TAU, the Lennie Pierro Memorial Arts Foundation (LPMAF), which sponsors the project, seeks to enrich the lives not only of residents of Smith’s hometown, South Orange, but of visitors from all communities.
The on-going work of the TSSP and LPMAF (named after the late artist and art educator, Lennie Pierro of South Orange), is supported chiefly by private donations.
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This installation of TAU was made possible by a gift from Jane Smith, the Village of South Orange, as well as many individual of donors through a grassroots initiative by the Lennie Pierro Memorial Arts Foundation (LPMAF).
The John and Kathleen Nye Family
Judith and Ronald Targan
Judy Wukitsch
The Kresofsky Family
Bryna Linett & Peter Shapiro
Susan Napack & Michael Gendel
Ann & Mel Schaffer
Zickler Family Foundation
Arnedt Family
Patricia A. Bell & Douglas Keller Jr.
Braff Family
Roberta Elliott & Charles Wantman
The Burns-Fagan Family
The Jochnowitz Family
Ellen A. Molner & Family
Tony & Margie Pye
Anita & Larry Solan
Marilyn Hayden
John Tracy & Hart Tracy
Lisa & Thomas Vilardi
Tonia & Whit Waterbury
TAU “100”
Prosper A. Bellizia
David Ben-Asher & Sandra Y. Dick
The Dorothy G. & Marcel K. Black Family
Edgar, Emerson, Abby Brisbon
The Calabrese Family
Elyse, Alanna & Ezra Carter
Mrs. Shawn Grain Carter
Fen-Dow & Petra Chu
The Convissor Family
The Douds Family
Ann & Jack Doyle
Garneau, Chichioco, White Families
Nancy Heins-Glaser & Noel Glaser
Paul & Alaine Golden
Dr. Caterina Gregori
The Grossman Family
Gyory Family
Ann Hartnett, Peter Feola, Eva & Jonathan
Patrice Henderson
Susan, Alan, Laura & Sarah Holzman
Dr. Gregory & Patricia La Morte
Joan & James Lee
Eve Levy & Michael Salvato
Stuart & Laura Litwin
Dr. Carol Mann & Pio Consoli
William Chew & Karen McDerrmott
Patrick Morrissy & Jean Campbell
Bernice Napach, Charlie Paikert & Anna
Alex, Alea & Tana Pierro
Len Pierro Jr. & Family
Hilda & Bob Silverman
Barbara, Christine & Elizabeth Snyder
David & Barbara Stoller
Helen May Strauss
Dr. Edward & Mrs. Zeraline Verner
Ken & Yolande Wasserman
Ellen Weisbord & Andrew Fair
Susan Woelzl
Charles Wukitsch