Tau, Meadowland Park, South Orange, NJ
Our Mission
The mission of the Tony Smith Sculpture Project (TSSP) is to make the life, work, and impact of artist Tony Smith easily accessible and beneficial to the public.
Through the support of public art projects, such as Smith’s sculpture TAU, the Lennie Pierro Memorial Arts Foundation (LPMAF), which sponsors the project, seeks to enrich the lives not only of residents of Smith’s hometown, South Orange, but of visitors from all communities.
The on-going work of the TSSP and LPMAF (named after the late artist and art educator, Lennie Pierro of South Orange), is supported chiefly by private donations.
Master Plan
The sculpture is installed, but our work is not done. Your help is still needed.
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The Lennie Pierro Memorial Arts Foundation (LPMAF) was created in 2002 in honor of longtime Village resident Lennie Pierro, the co-founder of the Pierro Gallery in South Orange. It was Pierro’s dream to bring a Smith sculpture to his hometown.
With the financial support of The Village and donations from hundreds of private individuals, the LPMAF was able to raise sufficient funds to site, fabricate, and install TAU in Meadowland Park in 2008. Maintenance and promotion of the sculpture, as well as related arts education programs in district schools, continue to be funded by the Pierro Foundation.
The Lennie Pierro Memorial Arts Foundation is registered as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Send donations and inquiries to 71 South Orange Avenue, Box 335, South Orange, NJ 07079. For further information contact mail@pierrofoundation.org.
Click here to donate online.

Lennie Pierro, Village resident, artist, co-founder of the Gallery of South Orange

Class visit to Tau